This script converts the Body Object to a polygon mesh.

This script converts the Body Object to a polygon mesh.

There are options for grid quality. 

All surfaces are welded together

This makes it easy to convert and customize cad models to polygons.

rollout boqRoll "BodyObject Quality"
	local presetProps = #(#LowQualityVDS, #MediumQualityVDS, #HighQualityVDS, #IsoAngleDS, #IsoChordHeightVDS, #FaceApproxAngleVDS, \
	#EdgeApproxAngleVDS, #FaceChordHeightVDS, #EdgeChordHeightVDS, #MaxEdgeLengthPctVDS)
	fn setDisplayOption objs num = if objs.count != 0 do
		if GetCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do SetCommandPanelTaskMode #create
		with redraw off (for body in objs where isKindOf body Body_Object do setProperty body #DisplayRadioVDS num)
	fn setMeshQuality objs mode: props:presetProps = if objs.count != 0 do
		if GetCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do SetCommandPanelTaskMode #create
		local vals = case mode of
		with redraw off for body in objs where isKindOf body Body_Object do
			for i = 1 to props.count do setProperty body presetProps[i] vals[i]
	group "Option"
		button btn_Jo "Join" pos:[8,25] width:60 height:100
		button btn_Mesh_a "30/0.2" pos:[70,25] width:60 height:30
		button btn_Mesh_b "30/0.1" pos:[70,60] width:60 height:30
		button btn_Mesh_c "30/1" pos:[70,95] width:60 height:30
		button btn_Hide "Hide" pos:[132,25] width:60 height:100

	on btn_Jo pressed do 
		StartObjectCreation Join_Bodies
		$.TwoSidedMeshesOP = false
		--$.BrepOperation = 5
		$.DisplayRadioVDS = 1

	on btn_Mesh_a pressed do 
$.FaceApproxAngleVDS = 30
$.FaceChordHeightVDS = 0.2		

	on btn_Mesh_b pressed do 
$.FaceApproxAngleVDS = 30
$.FaceChordHeightVDS = 0.1		

	on btn_Mesh_c pressed do 
$.FaceApproxAngleVDS = 30
$.FaceChordHeightVDS = 1		
	on btn_Hide pressed do max hide selection

createDialog boqRoll 200 135 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

Body Object converter to Poly mesh.jpg

Version Requirement: 3dsMax 2015


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